Posted by: blessedw4 | March 8, 2011

The Reading Kingdom-A Review

Hello all,

First of all, please forgive me for this brief review. My grandmother has been very ill all last week, put into hospice Saturday night, and passed away this afternoon. So, family has been of course the priority for me, and therefore I am just able to give the bare “nuts and bolts” today about this wonderful program. I WILL be editing tomorrow and adding more details and opinions, so please check back.

Reading Kingdom: is an online reading program to help children go from non-readers to reading on a third grade level over a span of time. Their main concept, from Dr. Marion Blank, is that children need more than just phonics to learn to read: they need 6 skills total: sequencing, motor skills, sounds, meaning, grammar, and composition. You can go take a peek at it here: 

There are two ways to start the program: for children who are not familiar with the mouse and/or keyboard, there is a starting point that gets them used to clicking and then typing and finding the keys. Typing is very important in the program because part of being a good reader is to be a writer as well, and of course, writing on the computer requires that you know where the keys are. After the child has mastered the keyboarding skills, RK gives them a “test” to see what their reading level is. It then begins them in one of the 5 RK levels: which teaches them 60+ words and includes 6 books that they read and interact with at each level. There are progress reports to see and RK adapts to what your child is doing.
Another feature of the program is that it is full of wonderful graphics! There are animated figures on each page that pop up or sparkle or other cute things to give your child feedback: one shows them they got an answer correct and another that it was incorrect.

I have 3 children who are using the program right now, and of course, they are all at different levels. We are all enjoying it very much and they are doing well. My older two are both still in Level 1 though, and I am eager to see what comes later. Many of my crewmates have children who have moved on to higher levels, so please be sure to click here to read their reviews as well:

You can get a FREE 30 day trial here: and I would HIGHLY recommend doing that so you can see what it is all about. Sign yourself up as well as your child so you can work through it as well. The customer service is wonderful and they are super happy to help you with any questions you may have.

We are thrilled and thankful to be using this program and are looking forward to moving on in it.

Happy reading!

Disclaimer: I received a free membership to this website in exchange for my honest review and opinions; no other compensation was received.

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